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Module 0x2::timelock

A timelock implementation.

use 0x1::ascii; use 0x1::option; use 0x1::string; use 0x1::type_name; use 0x2::balance; use 0x2::labeler; use 0x2::object; use 0x2::transfer; use 0x2::tx_context;

Resource TimeLock

TimeLock struct that holds a locked object.

struct TimeLock<T: store> has key

id: object::UID
locked: T

The locked object.

expiration_timestamp_ms: u64

This is the epoch time stamp of when the lock expires.

label: option::Option<string::String>

Timelock related label.

Struct SystemTimelockCap

SystemTimelockCap allows to pack and unpack TimeLocks

struct SystemTimelockCap has store

dummy_field: bool


Sender is not @0x0 the system address.

const ENotSystemAddress: u64 = 1;

For when trying to join two time-locked balances with different expiration time.

const EDifferentExpirationTime: u64 = 4;

For when trying to join two time-locked balances with different labels.

const EDifferentLabels: u64 = 5;

Expiration timestamp of the lock is in the past.

const EExpireEpochIsPast: u64 = 2;

The new function was called at a non-genesis epoch.

const ENotCalledAtGenesis: u64 = 0;

The lock has not expired yet.

const ENotExpiredYet: u64 = 3;

Function lock

Function to lock an object till a unix timestamp in milliseconds.

public fun lock<T: store>(locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): timelock::TimeLock<T>


public fun lock<T: store>(locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext): TimeLock<T> { // Check that expiration_timestamp_ms is valid. check_expiration_timestamp_ms(expiration_timestamp_ms, ctx);

// Create a timelock. pack(locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, option::none(), ctx) }

Function lock_with_label

Function to lock a labeled object till a unix timestamp in milliseconds.

public fun lock_with_label<T: store, L>(_: &labeler::LabelerCap<L>, locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): timelock::TimeLock<T>


public fun lock_with_label<T: store, L>( _: &LabelerCap<L>, locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ): TimeLock<T> { // Check that expiration_timestamp_ms is valid. check_expiration_timestamp_ms(expiration_timestamp_ms, ctx);

// Calculate a label value. let label = type_name<L>();

// Create a labeled timelock. pack(locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, option::some(label), ctx) }

Function lock_and_transfer

Function to lock an object obj until expiration_timestamp_ms and transfer it to address to. Since Timelock<T> does not support public transfer, use this function to lock an object to an address.

public fun lock_and_transfer<T: store>(obj: T, to: address, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)


public fun lock_and_transfer<T: store>( obj: T, to: address, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ) { transfer(lock(obj, expiration_timestamp_ms, ctx), to); }

Function lock_with_label_and_transfer

Function to lock a labeled object obj until expiration_timestamp_ms and transfer it to address to. Since Timelock<T> does not support public transfer, use this function to lock a labeled object to an address.

public fun lock_with_label_and_transfer<T: store, L>(labeler: &labeler::LabelerCap<L>, obj: T, to: address, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)


public fun lock_with_label_and_transfer<T: store, L>( labeler: &LabelerCap<L>, obj: T, to: address, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ) { transfer(lock_with_label(labeler, obj, expiration_timestamp_ms, ctx), to); }

Function unlock

Function to unlock the object from a TimeLock.

public fun unlock<T: store>(self: timelock::TimeLock<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext): T


public fun unlock<T: store>(self: TimeLock<T>, ctx: &TxContext): T { // Unpack the timelock. let (locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, _) = unpack(self);

// Check if the lock has expired. assert!(expiration_timestamp_ms <= ctx.epoch_timestamp_ms(), ENotExpiredYet);

locked }

Function join

Join two TimeLock<Balance<T>> together.

public fun join<T>(self: &mut timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>, other: timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>)


public fun join<T>(self: &mut TimeLock<Balance<T>>, other: TimeLock<Balance<T>>) { // Check the preconditions. assert!(self.expiration_timestamp_ms() == other.expiration_timestamp_ms(), EDifferentExpirationTime); assert!(self.label() == other.label(), EDifferentLabels);

// Unpack the time-locked balance. let (value, _, _) = unpack(other);

// Join the balances. self.locked.join(value); }

Function join_vec

Join everything in others with self.

public fun join_vec<T>(self: &mut timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>, others: vector<timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>>)


public fun join_vec<T>(self: &mut TimeLock<Balance<T>>, mut others: vector<TimeLock<Balance<T>>>) { // Create useful variables. let (mut i, len) = (0, others.length());

// Join all the balances. while (i < len) { let other = others.pop_back(); Self::join(self, other); i = i + 1 };

// Destroy the empty vector. vector::destroy_empty(others) }

Function split

Split a TimeLock<Balance<T>> and take a sub balance from it.

public fun split<T>(self: &mut timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>, value: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>


public fun split<T>(self: &mut TimeLock<Balance<T>>, value: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext): TimeLock<Balance<T>> { // Split the locked balance. let value = self.locked.split(value);

// Pack the split balance into a timelock. pack(value, self.expiration_timestamp_ms(), self.label(), ctx) }

Function split_balance

Split the given TimeLock<Balance<T>> into two parts, one with principal value, and transfer the newly split part to the sender address.

public entry fun split_balance<T>(self: &mut timelock::TimeLock<balance::Balance<T>>, value: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)


public entry fun split_balance<T>(self: &mut TimeLock<Balance<T>>, value: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext) { split(self, value, ctx).transfer_to_sender(ctx) }

Function transfer_to_sender

A utility function to transfer a TimeLock to the sender.

public fun transfer_to_sender<T: store>(lock: timelock::TimeLock<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext)


public fun transfer_to_sender<T: store>(lock: TimeLock<T>, ctx: &TxContext) { transfer(lock, ctx.sender()) }

Function system_pack

A utility function to pack a TimeLock that can be invoked only by a system package.

public fun system_pack<T: store>(_: &timelock::SystemTimelockCap, locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, label: option::Option<string::String>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): timelock::TimeLock<T>


public fun system_pack<T: store>( _: &SystemTimelockCap, locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, label: Option<String>, ctx: &mut TxContext): TimeLock<T> { pack(locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, label, ctx) }

Function system_unpack

An utility function to unpack a TimeLock that can be invoked only by a system package.

public fun system_unpack<T: store>(_: &timelock::SystemTimelockCap, lock: timelock::TimeLock<T>): (T, u64, option::Option<string::String>)


public fun system_unpack<T: store>(_: &SystemTimelockCap, lock: TimeLock<T>): (T, u64, Option<String>) { unpack(lock) }

Function type_name

Return a fully qualified type name with the original package IDs that is used as type related a label value.

public fun type_name<L>(): string::String


public fun type_name<L>(): String { string::from_ascii(std::type_name::get_with_original_ids<L>().into_string()) }

Function expiration_timestamp_ms

Function to get the expiration timestamp of a TimeLock.

public fun expiration_timestamp_ms<T: store>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>): u64


public fun expiration_timestamp_ms<T: store>(self: &TimeLock<T>): u64 { self.expiration_timestamp_ms }

Function is_locked

Function to check if a TimeLock is locked.

public fun is_locked<T: store>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext): bool


public fun is_locked<T: store>(self: &TimeLock<T>, ctx: &TxContext): bool { self.remaining_time(ctx) > 0 }

Function remaining_time

Function to get the remaining time of a TimeLock. Returns 0 if the lock has expired.

public fun remaining_time<T: store>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext): u64


public fun remaining_time<T: store>(self: &TimeLock<T>, ctx: &TxContext): u64 { // Get the epoch timestamp. let current_timestamp_ms = ctx.epoch_timestamp_ms();

// Check if the lock has expired. if (self.expiration_timestamp_ms < current_timestamp_ms) { return 0 };

// Calculate the remaining time. self.expiration_timestamp_ms - current_timestamp_ms }

Function locked

Function to get the locked object of a TimeLock.

public fun locked<T: store>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>): &T


public fun locked<T: store>(self: &TimeLock<T>): &T { &self.locked }

Function label

Function to get the label of a TimeLock.

public fun label<T: store>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>): option::Option<string::String>


public fun label<T: store>(self: &TimeLock<T>): Option<String> { self.label }

Function is_labeled_with

Check if a TimeLock is labeled with the type L.

public fun is_labeled_with<T: store, L>(self: &timelock::TimeLock<T>): bool


public fun is_labeled_with<T: store, L>(self: &TimeLock<T>): bool { if (self.label.is_some()) { self.label.borrow() == type_name<L>() } else { false } }

Function pack

A utility function to pack a TimeLock.

fun pack<T: store>(locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, label: option::Option<string::String>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): timelock::TimeLock<T>


fun pack<T: store>( locked: T, expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, label: Option<String>, ctx: &mut TxContext): TimeLock<T> { // Create a timelock. TimeLock { id: object::new(ctx), locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, label, } }

Function unpack

An utility function to unpack a TimeLock.

fun unpack<T: store>(lock: timelock::TimeLock<T>): (T, u64, option::Option<string::String>)


fun unpack<T: store>(lock: TimeLock<T>): (T, u64, Option<String>) { // Unpack the timelock. let TimeLock { id, locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, label, } = lock;

// Delete the timelock. object::delete(id);

(locked, expiration_timestamp_ms, label) }

Function transfer

A utility function to transfer a TimeLock to a receiver.

fun transfer<T: store>(lock: timelock::TimeLock<T>, receiver: address)


fun transfer<T: store>(lock: TimeLock<T>, receiver: address) { transfer::transfer(lock, receiver); }

Function check_expiration_timestamp_ms

An utility function to check that the expiration_timestamp_ms value is valid.

fun check_expiration_timestamp_ms(expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext)


fun check_expiration_timestamp_ms(expiration_timestamp_ms: u64, ctx: &TxContext) { // Get the epoch timestamp. let epoch_timestamp_ms = ctx.epoch_timestamp_ms();

// Check that expiration_timestamp_ms is valid. assert!(expiration_timestamp_ms > epoch_timestamp_ms, EExpireEpochIsPast); }

Function new_system_timelock_cap

Create a SystemTimelockCap. This should be called only once during genesis creation.

fun new_system_timelock_cap(ctx: &tx_context::TxContext): timelock::SystemTimelockCap


fun new_system_timelock_cap(ctx: &TxContext): SystemTimelockCap { assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress); assert!(ctx.epoch() == 0, ENotCalledAtGenesis);

SystemTimelockCap {} }