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Module 0x2::kiosk

Kiosk is a primitive for building safe, decentralized and trustless trading experiences. It allows storing and trading any types of assets as long as the creator of these assets implements a TransferPolicy for them.

Principles and philosophy:

  • Kiosk provides guarantees of "true ownership"; - just like single owner objects, assets stored in the Kiosk can only be managed by the Kiosk owner. Only the owner can place, take, list, perform any other actions on assets in the Kiosk.

  • Kiosk aims to be generic - allowing for a small set of default behaviors and not imposing any restrictions on how the assets can be traded. The only default scenario is a list + purchase flow; any other trading logic can be implemented on top using the list_with_purchase_cap (and a matching purchase_with_cap) flow.

  • For every transaction happening with a third party a TransferRequest is created - this way creators are fully in control of the trading experience.

Asset states in the Kiosk:

  • placed - An asset is placed into the Kiosk and can be taken out by the Kiosk owner; it's freely tradable and modifiable via the borrow_mut and borrow_val functions.

  • locked - Similar to placed except that take is disabled and the only way to move the asset out of the Kiosk is to list it or list_with_purchase_cap therefore performing a trade (isiotang a TransferRequest). The check on the lock function makes sure that the TransferPolicy exists to not lock the item in a Kiosk forever.

  • listed - A placed or a locked item can be listed for a fixed price allowing anyone to purchase it from the Kiosk. While listed, an item can not be taken or modified. However, an immutable borrow via borrow call is still available. The delist function returns the asset to the previous state.

  • listed_exclusively - An item is listed via the list_with_purchase_cap function (and a PurchaseCap is created). While listed this way, an item can not be delist-ed unless a PurchaseCap is returned. All actions available at this item state require a PurchaseCap:

  1. purchase_with_cap - to purchase the item for a price equal or higher than the min_price set in the PurchaseCap.
  2. return_purchase_cap - to return the PurchaseCap and return the asset into the previous state.

When an item is listed exclusively it cannot be modified nor taken and losing a PurchaseCap would lock the item in the Kiosk forever. Therefore, it is recommended to only use PurchaseCap functionality in trusted applications and not use it for direct trading (eg sending to another account).

Using multiple Transfer Policies for different 'tracks':

Every purchase or purchase_with_purchase_cap creates a TransferRequest hot potato which must be resolved in a matching TransferPolicy for the transaction to pass. While the default scenario implies that there should be a single TransferPolicy<T> for T; it is possible to have multiple, each one having its own set of rules.


  • I create one TransferPolicy with "Royalty Rule" for everyone
  • I create a special TransferPolicy for bearers of a "Club Membership" object so they don't have to pay anything
  • I create and wrap a TransferPolicy so that players of my game can transfer items between Kiosks in game without any charge (and maybe not even paying the price with a 0 IOTA PurchaseCap)
Kiosk -> (Item, TransferRequest)
... TransferRequest ------> Common Transfer Policy
... TransferRequest ------> In-game Wrapped Transfer Policy
... TransferRequest ------> Club Membership Transfer Policy

See transfer_policy module for more details on how they function.

use 0x1::option; use 0x2::balance; use 0x2::coin; use 0x2::dynamic_field; use 0x2::dynamic_object_field; use 0x2::event; use 0x2::iota; use 0x2::object; use 0x2::transfer; use 0x2::transfer_policy; use 0x2::tx_context;

Resource Kiosk

An object which allows selling collectibles within "kiosk" ecosystem. By default gives the functionality to list an item openly - for anyone to purchase providing the guarantees for creators that every transfer needs to be approved via the TransferPolicy.

struct Kiosk has store, key

id: object::UID
profits: balance::Balance<iota::IOTA>

Balance of the Kiosk - all profits from sales go here.

owner: address

Always point to sender of the transaction. Can be changed by calling set_owner with Cap.

item_count: u32

Number of items stored in a Kiosk. Used to allow unpacking an empty Kiosk if it was wrapped or has a single owner.

allow_extensions: bool

[DEPRECATED] Please, don't use the allow_extensions and the matching set_allow_extensions function - it is a legacy feature that is being replaced by the kiosk_extension module and its Extensions API.

Exposes uid_mut publicly when set to true, set to false by default.

Resource KioskOwnerCap

A Capability granting the bearer a right to place and take items from the Kiosk as well as to list them and list_with_purchase_cap.

struct KioskOwnerCap has store, key


Resource PurchaseCap

A capability which locks an item and gives a permission to purchase it from a Kiosk for any price no less than min_price.

Allows exclusive listing: only bearer of the PurchaseCap can purchase the asset. However, the capability should be used carefully as losing it would lock the asset in the Kiosk.

The main application for the PurchaseCap is building extensions on top of the Kiosk.

struct PurchaseCap<T: store, key> has store, key

id: object::UID
kiosk_id: object::ID

ID of the Kiosk the cap belongs to.

item_id: object::ID

ID of the listed item.

min_price: u64

Minimum price for which the item can be purchased.

Struct Borrow

Hot potato to ensure an item was returned after being taken using the borrow_val call.

kiosk_id: object::ID
item_id: object::ID

Struct Item

Dynamic field key for an item placed into the kiosk.

struct Item has copy, drop, store


Struct Listing

Dynamic field key for an active offer to purchase the T. If an item is listed without a PurchaseCap, exclusive is set to false.

struct Listing has copy, drop, store

id: object::ID
is_exclusive: bool

Struct Lock

Dynamic field key which marks that an item is locked in the Kiosk and can't be taken. The item then can only be listed / sold via the PurchaseCap. Lock is released on purchase.

struct Lock has copy, drop, store


Struct ItemListed

Emitted when an item was listed by the safe owner. Can be used to track available offers anywhere on the network; the event is type-indexed which allows for searching for offers of a specific T

struct ItemListed<T: store, key> has copy, drop


Struct ItemPurchased

Emitted when an item was purchased from the Kiosk. Can be used to track finalized sales across the network. The event is emitted in both cases: when an item is purchased via the PurchaseCap or when it's purchased directly (via list + purchase).

The price is also emitted and might differ from the price set in the ItemListed event. This is because the PurchaseCap only sets a minimum price for the item, and the actual price is defined by the trading module / extension.

struct ItemPurchased<T: store, key> has copy, drop


Struct ItemDelisted

Emitted when an item was delisted by the safe owner. Can be used to close tracked offers.

struct ItemDelisted<T: store, key> has copy, drop



Trying to withdraw higher amount than stored.

const ENotEnough: u64 = 2;

Trying to withdraw profits and sender is not owner.

const ENotOwner: u64 = 0;

Trying to exclusively list an already listed item.

const EAlreadyListed: u64 = 6;

Coin paid does not match the offer price.

const EIncorrectAmount: u64 = 1;

Taking or mutably borrowing an item that is listed.

const EItemIsListed: u64 = 9;

Attempt to take an item that is locked.

const EItemLocked: u64 = 8;

Item does not match Borrow in return_val.

const EItemMismatch: u64 = 10;

An is not found while trying to borrow.

const EItemNotFound: u64 = 11;

Attempt to take an item that has a PurchaseCap issued.

const EListedExclusively: u64 = 4;

Trying to close a Kiosk and it has items in it.

const ENotEmpty: u64 = 3;

Delisting an item that is not listed.

const ENotListed: u64 = 12;

Trying to call uid_mut when allow_extensions set to false.

const EUidAccessNotAllowed: u64 = 7;

PurchaseCap does not match the Kiosk.

const EWrongKiosk: u64 = 5;

Function default

Creates a new Kiosk in a default configuration: sender receives the KioskOwnerCap and becomes the Owner, the Kiosk is shared.

entry fun default(ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)


entry fun default(ctx: &mut TxContext) { let (kiosk, cap) = new(ctx); iota::transfer::transfer(cap, ctx.sender()); iota::transfer::share_object(kiosk); }

Function new

Creates a new Kiosk with a matching KioskOwnerCap.

public fun new(ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): (kiosk::Kiosk, kiosk::KioskOwnerCap)


public fun new(ctx: &mut TxContext): (Kiosk, KioskOwnerCap) { let kiosk = Kiosk { id: object::new(ctx), profits: balance::zero(), owner: ctx.sender(), item_count: 0, allow_extensions: false };

let cap = KioskOwnerCap { id: object::new(ctx), for: object::id(&kiosk) };

(kiosk, cap) }

Function close_and_withdraw

Unpacks and destroys a Kiosk returning the profits (even if "0"). Can only be performed by the bearer of the KioskOwnerCap in the case where there's no items inside and a Kiosk is not shared.

public fun close_and_withdraw(self: kiosk::Kiosk, cap: kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): coin::Coin<iota::IOTA>


public fun close_and_withdraw( self: Kiosk, cap: KioskOwnerCap, ctx: &mut TxContext ): Coin<IOTA> { let Kiosk { id, profits, owner: _, item_count, allow_extensions: _ } = self; let KioskOwnerCap { id: cap_id, for } = cap;

assert!(id.to_inner() == for, ENotOwner); assert!(item_count == 0, ENotEmpty);

cap_id.delete(); id.delete();

profits.into_coin(ctx) }

Function set_owner

Change the owner field to the transaction sender. The change is purely cosmetical and does not affect any of the basic kiosk functions unless some logic for this is implemented in a third party module.

public fun set_owner(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, ctx: &tx_context::TxContext)


public fun set_owner( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, ctx: &TxContext ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); self.owner = ctx.sender(); }

Function set_owner_custom

Update the owner field with a custom address. Can be used for implementing a custom logic that relies on the Kiosk owner.

public fun set_owner_custom(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, owner: address)


public fun set_owner_custom( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, owner: address ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); self.owner = owner }

Function place

Place any object into a Kiosk. Performs an authorization check to make sure only owner can do that.

public fun place<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, item: T)


public fun place<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, item: T ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); self.place_internal(item) }

Function lock

Place an item to the Kiosk and issue a Lock for it. Once placed this way, an item can only be listed either with a list function or with a list_with_purchase_cap.

Requires policy for T to make sure that there's an issued TransferPolicy and the item can be sold, otherwise the asset might be locked forever.

public fun lock<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, _policy: &transfer_policy::TransferPolicy<T>, item: T)


public fun lock<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, _policy: &TransferPolicy<T>, item: T ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); self.lock_internal(item) }

Function take

Take any object from the Kiosk. Performs an authorization check to make sure only owner can do that.

public fun take<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID): T


public fun take<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID ): T { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(!self.is_locked(id), EItemLocked); assert!(!self.is_listed_exclusively(id), EListedExclusively); assert!(self.has_item(id), EItemNotFound);

self.item_count = self.item_count - 1; df::remove_if_exists<Listing, u64>(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: false }); dof::remove(&mut, Item { id }) }

Function list

List the item by setting a price and making it available for purchase. Performs an authorization check to make sure only owner can sell.

public fun list<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID, price: u64)


public fun list<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID, price: u64 ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item_with_type<T>(id), EItemNotFound); assert!(!self.is_listed_exclusively(id), EListedExclusively);

df::add(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: false }, price); event::emit(ItemListed<T> { kiosk: object::id(self), id, price }) }

Function place_and_list

Calls place and list together - simplifies the flow.

public fun place_and_list<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, item: T, price: u64)


public fun place_and_list<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, item: T, price: u64 ) { let id = object::id(&item);, item); self.list<T>(cap, id, price) }

Function delist

Remove an existing listing from the Kiosk and keep the item in the user Kiosk. Can only be performed by the owner of the Kiosk.

public fun delist<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID)


public fun delist<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item_with_type<T>(id), EItemNotFound); assert!(!self.is_listed_exclusively(id), EListedExclusively); assert!(self.is_listed(id), ENotListed);

df::remove<Listing, u64>(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: false }); event::emit(ItemDelisted<T> { kiosk: object::id(self), id }) }

Function purchase

Make a trade: pay the owner of the item and request a Transfer to the target kiosk (to prevent item being taken by the approving party).

Received TransferRequest needs to be handled by the publisher of the T, if they have a method implemented that allows a trade, it is possible to request their approval (by calling some function) so that the trade can be finalized.

public fun purchase<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID, payment: coin::Coin<iota::IOTA>): (T, transfer_policy::TransferRequest<T>)


public fun purchase<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, id: ID, payment: Coin<IOTA> ): (T, TransferRequest<T>) { let price = df::remove<Listing, u64>(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: false }); let inner = dof::remove<Item, T>(&mut, Item { id });

self.item_count = self.item_count - 1; assert!(price == payment.value(), EIncorrectAmount); df::remove_if_exists<Lock, bool>(&mut, Lock { id }); coin::put(&mut self.profits, payment);

event::emit(ItemPurchased<T> { kiosk: object::id(self), id, price });

(inner, transfer_policy::new_request(id, price, object::id(self))) }

Function list_with_purchase_cap

Creates a PurchaseCap which gives the right to purchase an item for any price equal or higher than the min_price.

public fun list_with_purchase_cap<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID, min_price: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>


public fun list_with_purchase_cap<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID, min_price: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ): PurchaseCap<T> { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item_with_type<T>(id), EItemNotFound); assert!(!self.is_listed(id), EAlreadyListed);

df::add(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: true }, min_price);

PurchaseCap<T> { min_price, item_id: id, id: object::new(ctx), kiosk_id: object::id(self), } }

Function purchase_with_cap

Unpack the PurchaseCap and call purchase. Sets the payment amount as the price for the listing making sure it's no less than min_amount.

public fun purchase_with_cap<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, purchase_cap: kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>, payment: coin::Coin<iota::IOTA>): (T, transfer_policy::TransferRequest<T>)


public fun purchase_with_cap<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, purchase_cap: PurchaseCap<T>, payment: Coin<IOTA> ): (T, TransferRequest<T>) { let PurchaseCap { id, item_id, kiosk_id, min_price } = purchase_cap; id.delete();

let id = item_id; let paid = payment.value(); assert!(paid >= min_price, EIncorrectAmount); assert!(object::id(self) == kiosk_id, EWrongKiosk);

df::remove<Listing, u64>(&mut, Listing { id, is_exclusive: true });

coin::put(&mut self.profits, payment); self.item_count = self.item_count - 1; df::remove_if_exists<Lock, bool>(&mut, Lock { id }); let item = dof::remove<Item, T>(&mut, Item { id });

(item, transfer_policy::new_request(id, paid, object::id(self))) }

Function return_purchase_cap

Return the PurchaseCap without making a purchase; remove an active offer and allow the item for taking. Can only be returned to its Kiosk, aborts otherwise.

public fun return_purchase_cap<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, purchase_cap: kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>)


public fun return_purchase_cap<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, purchase_cap: PurchaseCap<T> ) { let PurchaseCap { id, item_id, kiosk_id, min_price: _ } = purchase_cap;

assert!(object::id(self) == kiosk_id, EWrongKiosk); df::remove<Listing, u64>(&mut, Listing { id: item_id, is_exclusive: true }); id.delete() }

Function withdraw

Withdraw profits from the Kiosk.

public fun withdraw(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, amount: option::Option<u64>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): coin::Coin<iota::IOTA>


public fun withdraw( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, amount: Option<u64>, ctx: &mut TxContext ): Coin<IOTA> { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner);

let amount = if (amount.is_some()) { let amt = amount.destroy_some(); assert!(amt <= self.profits.value(), ENotEnough); amt } else { self.profits.value() };

coin::take(&mut self.profits, amount, ctx) }

Function lock_internal

Internal: "lock" an item disabling the take action.

public(friend) fun lock_internal<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, item: T)


public(package) fun lock_internal<T: key + store>(self: &mut Kiosk, item: T) { df::add(&mut, Lock { id: object::id(&item) }, true); self.place_internal(item) }

Function place_internal

Internal: "place" an item to the Kiosk and increment the item count.

public(friend) fun place_internal<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, item: T)


public(package) fun place_internal<T: key + store>(self: &mut Kiosk, item: T) { self.item_count = self.item_count + 1; dof::add(&mut, Item { id: object::id(&item) }, item) }

Function uid_mut_internal

Internal: get a mutable access to the UID.

public(friend) fun uid_mut_internal(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk): &mut object::UID


public(package) fun uid_mut_internal(self: &mut Kiosk): &mut UID { &mut }

Function has_item

Check whether the item is present in the Kiosk.

public fun has_item(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID): bool


public fun has_item(self: &Kiosk, id: ID): bool { dof::exists_(&, Item { id }) }

Function has_item_with_type

Check whether the item is present in the Kiosk and has type T.

public fun has_item_with_type<T: store, key>(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID): bool


public fun has_item_with_type<T: key + store>(self: &Kiosk, id: ID): bool { dof::exists_with_type<Item, T>(&, Item { id }) }

Function is_locked

Check whether an item with the id is locked in the Kiosk. Meaning that the only two actions that can be performed on it are list and list_with_purchase_cap, it cannot be taken out of the Kiosk.

public fun is_locked(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID): bool


public fun is_locked(self: &Kiosk, id: ID): bool { df::exists_(&, Lock { id }) }

Function is_listed

Check whether an item is listed (exclusively or non exclusively).

public fun is_listed(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID): bool


public fun is_listed(self: &Kiosk, id: ID): bool { df::exists_(&, Listing { id, is_exclusive: false }) || self.is_listed_exclusively(id) }

Function is_listed_exclusively

Check whether there's a PurchaseCap issued for an item.

public fun is_listed_exclusively(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, id: object::ID): bool


public fun is_listed_exclusively(self: &Kiosk, id: ID): bool { df::exists_(&, Listing { id, is_exclusive: true }) }

Function has_access

Check whether the KioskOwnerCap matches the Kiosk.

public fun has_access(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap): bool


public fun has_access(self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap): bool { object::id(self) == cap.for }

Function uid_mut_as_owner

Access the UID using the KioskOwnerCap.

public fun uid_mut_as_owner(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap): &mut object::UID


public fun uid_mut_as_owner( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap ): &mut UID { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); &mut }

Function set_allow_extensions

[DEPRECATED] Allow or disallow uid and uid_mut access via the allow_extensions setting.

public fun set_allow_extensions(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, allow_extensions: bool)


public fun set_allow_extensions( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, allow_extensions: bool ) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); self.allow_extensions = allow_extensions; }

Function uid

Get the immutable UID for dynamic field access. Always enabled.

Given the &UID can be used for reading keys and authorization, its access

public fun uid(self: &kiosk::Kiosk): &object::UID


public fun uid(self: &Kiosk): &UID { & }

Function uid_mut

Get the mutable UID for dynamic field access and extensions. Aborts if allow_extensions set to false.

public fun uid_mut(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk): &mut object::UID


public fun uid_mut(self: &mut Kiosk): &mut UID { assert!(self.allow_extensions, EUidAccessNotAllowed); &mut }

Function owner

Get the owner of the Kiosk.

public fun owner(self: &kiosk::Kiosk): address


public fun owner(self: &Kiosk): address { self.owner }

Function item_count

Get the number of items stored in a Kiosk.

public fun item_count(self: &kiosk::Kiosk): u32


public fun item_count(self: &Kiosk): u32 { self.item_count }

Function profits_amount

Get the amount of profits collected by selling items.

public fun profits_amount(self: &kiosk::Kiosk): u64


public fun profits_amount(self: &Kiosk): u64 { self.profits.value() }

Function profits_mut

Get mutable access to profits - owner only action.

public fun profits_mut(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap): &mut balance::Balance<iota::IOTA>


public fun profits_mut(self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap): &mut Balance<IOTA> { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); &mut self.profits }

Function borrow

Immutably borrow an item from the Kiosk. Any item can be borrowed at any time.

public fun borrow<T: store, key>(self: &kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID): &T


public fun borrow<T: key + store>( self: &Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID ): &T { assert!(object::id(self) == cap.for, ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item(id), EItemNotFound);

dof::borrow(&, Item { id }) }

Function borrow_mut

Mutably borrow an item from the Kiosk. Item can be borrow_muted only if it's not is_listed.

public fun borrow_mut<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID): &mut T


public fun borrow_mut<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID ): &mut T { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item(id), EItemNotFound); assert!(!self.is_listed(id), EItemIsListed);

dof::borrow_mut(&mut, Item { id }) }

Function borrow_val

Take the item from the Kiosk with a guarantee that it will be returned. Item can be borrow_val-ed only if it's not is_listed.

public fun borrow_val<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap, id: object::ID): (T, kiosk::Borrow)


public fun borrow_val<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap, id: ID ): (T, Borrow) { assert!(self.has_access(cap), ENotOwner); assert!(self.has_item(id), EItemNotFound); assert!(!self.is_listed(id), EItemIsListed);

( dof::remove(&mut, Item { id }), Borrow { kiosk_id: object::id(self), item_id: id } ) }

Function return_val

Return the borrowed item to the Kiosk. This method cannot be avoided if borrow_val is used.

public fun return_val<T: store, key>(self: &mut kiosk::Kiosk, item: T, borrow: kiosk::Borrow)


public fun return_val<T: key + store>( self: &mut Kiosk, item: T, borrow: Borrow ) { let Borrow { kiosk_id, item_id } = borrow;

assert!(object::id(self) == kiosk_id, EWrongKiosk); assert!(object::id(&item) == item_id, EItemMismatch);

dof::add(&mut, Item { id: item_id }, item); }

Function kiosk_owner_cap_for

Get the for field of the KioskOwnerCap.

public fun kiosk_owner_cap_for(cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap): object::ID


public fun kiosk_owner_cap_for(cap: &KioskOwnerCap): ID { cap.for }

Function purchase_cap_kiosk

Get the kiosk_id from the PurchaseCap.

public fun purchase_cap_kiosk<T: store, key>(self: &kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>): object::ID


public fun purchase_cap_kiosk<T: key + store>(self: &PurchaseCap<T>): ID { self.kiosk_id }

Function purchase_cap_item

Get the Item_id from the PurchaseCap.

public fun purchase_cap_item<T: store, key>(self: &kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>): object::ID


public fun purchase_cap_item<T: key + store>(self: &PurchaseCap<T>): ID { self.item_id }

Function purchase_cap_min_price

Get the min_price from the PurchaseCap.

public fun purchase_cap_min_price<T: store, key>(self: &kiosk::PurchaseCap<T>): u64


public fun purchase_cap_min_price<T: key + store>(self: &PurchaseCap<T>): u64 { self.min_price }