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Module 0x2::group_ops

Generic Move and native functions for group operations.

use 0x1::vector; use 0x2::bcs;

Struct Element

struct Element<T> has copy, drop, store

bytes: vector<u8>


const EInputTooLong: u64 = 2;

const EInvalidBufferLength: u64 = 3;

const EInvalidInput: u64 = 1;

const ENotSupported: u64 = 0;

Function bytes

public fun bytes<G>(e: &group_ops::Element<G>): &vector<u8>


public fun bytes<G>(e: &Element<G>): &vector<u8> { &e.bytes }

Function equal

public fun equal<G>(e1: &group_ops::Element<G>, e2: &group_ops::Element<G>): bool


public fun equal<G>(e1: &Element<G>, e2: &Element<G>): bool { &e1.bytes == &e2.bytes }

Function from_bytes

public(friend) fun from_bytes<G>(type_: u8, bytes: &vector<u8>, is_trusted: bool): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun from_bytes<G>(type_: u8, bytes: &vector<u8>, is_trusted: bool): Element<G> { assert!(is_trusted || internal_validate(type_, bytes), EInvalidInput); Element<G> { bytes: *bytes } }

Function add

public(friend) fun add<G>(type_: u8, e1: &group_ops::Element<G>, e2: &group_ops::Element<G>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun add<G>(type_: u8, e1: &Element<G>, e2: &Element<G>): Element<G> { Element<G> { bytes: internal_add(type_, &e1.bytes, &e2.bytes) } }

Function sub

public(friend) fun sub<G>(type_: u8, e1: &group_ops::Element<G>, e2: &group_ops::Element<G>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun sub<G>(type_: u8, e1: &Element<G>, e2: &Element<G>): Element<G> { Element<G> { bytes: internal_sub(type_, &e1.bytes, &e2.bytes) } }

Function mul

public(friend) fun mul<S, G>(type_: u8, scalar: &group_ops::Element<S>, e: &group_ops::Element<G>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun mul<S, G>(type_: u8, scalar: &Element<S>, e: &Element<G>): Element<G> { Element<G> { bytes: internal_mul(type_, &scalar.bytes, &e.bytes) } }

Function div

Fails if scalar = 0. Else returns 1/scalar * e.

public(friend) fun div<S, G>(type_: u8, scalar: &group_ops::Element<S>, e: &group_ops::Element<G>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun div<S, G>(type_: u8, scalar: &Element<S>, e: &Element<G>): Element<G> { Element<G> { bytes: internal_div(type_, &scalar.bytes, &e.bytes) } }

Function hash_to

public(friend) fun hash_to<G>(type_: u8, m: &vector<u8>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun hash_to<G>(type_: u8, m: &vector<u8>): Element<G> { Element<G> { bytes: internal_hash_to(type_, m) } }

Function multi_scalar_multiplication

Aborts with EInputTooLong if the vectors are too long.

public(friend) fun multi_scalar_multiplication<S, G>(type_: u8, scalars: &vector<group_ops::Element<S>>, elements: &vector<group_ops::Element<G>>): group_ops::Element<G>


public(package) fun multi_scalar_multiplication<S, G>(type_: u8, scalars: &vector<Element<S>>, elements: &vector<Element<G>>): Element<G> { assert!(scalars.length() > 0, EInvalidInput); assert!(scalars.length() == elements.length(), EInvalidInput);

let mut scalars_bytes: vector<u8> = vector[]; let mut elements_bytes: vector<u8> = vector[]; let mut i = 0; while (i < scalars.length()) { let scalar_vec = scalars[i]; scalars_bytes.append(scalar_vec.bytes); let element_vec = elements[i]; elements_bytes.append(element_vec.bytes); i = i + 1; }; Element<G> { bytes: internal_multi_scalar_mul(type_, &scalars_bytes, &elements_bytes) } }

Function pairing

public(friend) fun pairing<G1, G2, G3>(type_: u8, e1: &group_ops::Element<G1>, e2: &group_ops::Element<G2>): group_ops::Element<G3>


public(package) fun pairing<G1, G2, G3>(type_: u8, e1: &Element<G1>, e2: &Element<G2>): Element<G3> { Element<G3> { bytes: internal_pairing(type_, &e1.bytes, &e2.bytes) } }

Function internal_validate

fun internal_validate(type_: u8, bytes: &vector<u8>): bool


native fun internal_validate(type_: u8, bytes: &vector<u8>): bool;

Function internal_add

fun internal_add(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_add(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_sub

fun internal_sub(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_sub(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_mul

fun internal_mul(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_mul(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_div

fun internal_div(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_div(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_hash_to

fun internal_hash_to(type_: u8, m: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_hash_to(type_: u8, m: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_multi_scalar_mul

fun internal_multi_scalar_mul(type_: u8, scalars: &vector<u8>, elements: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_multi_scalar_mul(type_: u8, scalars: &vector<u8>, elements: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function internal_pairing

fun internal_pairing(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>


native fun internal_pairing(type_: u8, e1: &vector<u8>, e2: &vector<u8>): vector<u8>;

Function set_as_prefix

public(friend) fun set_as_prefix(x: u64, big_endian: bool, buffer: &mut vector<u8>)


public(package) fun set_as_prefix(x: u64, big_endian: bool, buffer: &mut vector<u8>) { let buffer_len = buffer.length(); assert!(buffer_len > 7, EInvalidBufferLength); let x_as_bytes = bcs::to_bytes(&x); // little endian let mut i = 0; while (i < 8) { let position = if (big_endian) { buffer_len - i - 1 } else { i }; *(&mut buffer[position]) = x_as_bytes[i]; i = i + 1; }; }