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Module 0x2::labeler

use 0x2::object; use 0x2::tx_context; use 0x2::types;

Resource LabelerCap

LabelerCap allows to create labels of the specific type L. Can be publicly transferred like any other object.

struct LabelerCap<L> has store, key



Error code for when a type passed to the create_labeler_cap function is not a one-time witness.

const ENotOneTimeWitness: u64 = 0;

Function create_labeler_cap

Create a LabelerCap instance. Can be created only by consuming a one time witness.

public fun create_labeler_cap<L: drop>(witness: L, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): labeler::LabelerCap<L>


public fun create_labeler_cap<L: drop>(witness: L, ctx: &mut TxContext): LabelerCap<L> { assert!(iota::types::is_one_time_witness(&witness), ENotOneTimeWitness);

LabelerCap<L> { id: object::new(ctx), } }

Function destroy_labeler_cap

Delete a LabelerCap instance. If a capability is destroyed, it is impossible to add the related labels.

public fun destroy_labeler_cap<L>(cap: labeler::LabelerCap<L>)


public fun destroy_labeler_cap<L>(cap: LabelerCap<L>) { let LabelerCap<L> { id, } = cap;

object::delete(id); }