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Module 0x1::vector

A variable-sized container that can hold any type. Indexing is 0-based, and vectors are growable. This module has many native functions.


The index into the vector is out of bounds

const EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: u64 = 131072;

Function empty

Create an empty vector.

public fun empty<Element>(): vector<Element>


native public fun empty<Element>(): vector<Element>;

Function length

Return the length of the vector.

public fun length<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): u64


native public fun length<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): u64;

Function borrow

Acquire an immutable reference to the ith element of the vector v. Aborts if i is out of bounds.

public fun borrow<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, i: u64): &Element


native public fun borrow<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, i: u64): ∈

Function push_back

Add element e to the end of the vector v.

public fun push_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element)


native public fun push_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element);

Function borrow_mut

Return a mutable reference to the ith element in the vector v. Aborts if i is out of bounds.

public fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element


native public fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element;

Function pop_back

Pop an element from the end of vector v. Aborts if v is empty.

public fun pop_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>): Element


native public fun pop_back<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>): Element;

Function destroy_empty

Destroy the vector v. Aborts if v is not empty.

public fun destroy_empty<Element>(v: vector<Element>)


native public fun destroy_empty<Element>(v: vector<Element>);

Function swap

Swaps the elements at the ith and jth indices in the vector v. Aborts if i or j is out of bounds.

public fun swap<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64, j: u64)


native public fun swap<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64, j: u64);

Function singleton

Return an vector of size one containing element e.

public fun singleton<Element>(e: Element): vector<Element>


public fun singleton<Element>(e: Element): vector<Element> { let mut v = empty(); v.push_back(e); v }

Function reverse

Reverses the order of the elements in the vector v in place.

public fun reverse<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>)


public fun reverse<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>) { let len = v.length(); if (len == 0) return ();

let mut front_index = 0; let mut back_index = len -1; while (front_index < back_index) { v.swap(front_index, back_index); front_index = front_index + 1; back_index = back_index - 1; } }

Function append

Pushes all of the elements of the other vector into the lhs vector.

public fun append<Element>(lhs: &mut vector<Element>, other: vector<Element>)


public fun append<Element>(lhs: &mut vector<Element>, mut other: vector<Element>) { other.reverse(); while (!other.is_empty()) lhs.push_back(other.pop_back()); other.destroy_empty(); }

Function is_empty

Return true if the vector v has no elements and false otherwise.

public fun is_empty<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): bool


public fun is_empty<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): bool { v.length() == 0 }

Function contains

Return true if e is in the vector v. Otherwise, returns false.

public fun contains<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): bool


public fun contains<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): bool { let mut i = 0; let len = v.length(); while (i < len) { if (&v[i] == e) return true; i = i + 1; }; false }

Function index_of

Return (true, i) if e is in the vector v at index i. Otherwise, returns (false, 0).

public fun index_of<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): (bool, u64)


public fun index_of<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, e: &Element): (bool, u64) { let mut i = 0; let len = v.length(); while (i < len) { if (&v[i] == e) return (true, i); i = i + 1; }; (false, 0) }

Function remove

Remove the ith element of the vector v, shifting all subsequent elements. This is O(n) and preserves ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i is out of bounds.

public fun remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element


public fun remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, mut i: u64): Element { let mut len = v.length(); // i out of bounds; abort if (i >= len) abort EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

len = len - 1; while (i < len) v.swap(i, { i = i + 1; i }); v.pop_back() }

Function insert

Insert e at position i in the vector v. If i is in bounds, this shifts the old v[i] and all subsequent elements to the right. If i == v.length(), this adds e to the end of the vector. This is O(n) and preserves ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i > v.length()

public fun insert<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element, i: u64)


public fun insert<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, e: Element, mut i: u64) { let len = v.length(); // i too big abort if (i > len) abort EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

v.push_back(e); while (i < len) { v.swap(i, len); i = i + 1 } }

Function swap_remove

Swap the ith element of the vector v with the last element and then pop the vector. This is O(1), but does not preserve ordering of elements in the vector. Aborts if i is out of bounds.

public fun swap_remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element


public fun swap_remove<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): Element { assert!(!v.is_empty(), EINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); let last_idx = v.length() - 1; v.swap(i, last_idx); v.pop_back() }