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Module 0x1::string

The string module defines the String type which represents UTF8 encoded strings.

use 0x1::ascii; use 0x1::option; use 0x1::vector;

Struct String

A String holds a sequence of bytes which is guaranteed to be in utf8 format.

struct String has copy, drop, store

bytes: vector<u8>


Index out of range.

const EINVALID_INDEX: u64 = 2;

An invalid UTF8 encoding.

const EINVALID_UTF8: u64 = 1;

Function utf8

Creates a new string from a sequence of bytes. Aborts if the bytes do not represent valid utf8.

public fun utf8(bytes: vector<u8>): string::String


public fun utf8(bytes: vector<u8>): String { assert!(internal_check_utf8(&bytes), EINVALID_UTF8); String { bytes } }

Function from_ascii

Convert an ASCII string to a UTF8 string

public fun from_ascii(s: ascii::String): string::String


public fun from_ascii(s: ascii::String): String { String { bytes: ascii::into_bytes(s) } }

Function to_ascii

Convert an UTF8 string to an ASCII string. Aborts if s is not valid ASCII

public fun to_ascii(s: string::String): ascii::String


public fun to_ascii(s: String): ascii::String { let String { bytes } = s; ascii::string(bytes) }

Function try_utf8

Tries to create a new string from a sequence of bytes.

public fun try_utf8(bytes: vector<u8>): option::Option<string::String>


public fun try_utf8(bytes: vector<u8>): Option<String> { if (internal_check_utf8(&bytes)) { option::some(String { bytes }) } else { option::none() } }

Function bytes

Returns a reference to the underlying byte vector.

public fun bytes(s: &string::String): &vector<u8>


public fun bytes(s: &String): &vector<u8> { &s.bytes }

Function is_empty

Checks whether this string is empty.

public fun is_empty(s: &string::String): bool


public fun is_empty(s: &String): bool { s.bytes.is_empty() }

Function length

Returns the length of this string, in bytes.

public fun length(s: &string::String): u64


public fun length(s: &String): u64 { s.bytes.length() }

Function append

Appends a string.

public fun append(s: &mut string::String, r: string::String)


public fun append(s: &mut String, r: String) { s.bytes.append(r.bytes) }

Function append_utf8

Appends bytes which must be in valid utf8 format.

public fun append_utf8(s: &mut string::String, bytes: vector<u8>)


public fun append_utf8(s: &mut String, bytes: vector<u8>) { s.append(utf8(bytes)) }

Function insert

Insert the other string at the byte index in given string. The index must be at a valid utf8 char boundary.

public fun insert(s: &mut string::String, at: u64, o: string::String)


public fun insert(s: &mut String, at: u64, o: String) { let bytes = &s.bytes; assert!(at <= bytes.length() && internal_is_char_boundary(bytes, at), EINVALID_INDEX); let l = s.length(); let mut front = s.sub_string(0, at); let end = s.sub_string(at, l); front.append(o); front.append(end); *s = front; }

Function sub_string

Returns a sub-string using the given byte indices, where i is the first byte position and j is the start of the first byte not included (or the length of the string). The indices must be at valid utf8 char boundaries, guaranteeing that the result is valid utf8.

public fun sub_string(s: &string::String, i: u64, j: u64): string::String


public fun sub_string(s: &String, i: u64, j: u64): String { let bytes = &s.bytes; let l = bytes.length(); assert!( j <= l && i <= j && internal_is_char_boundary(bytes, i) && internal_is_char_boundary(bytes, j), EINVALID_INDEX ); String{bytes: internal_sub_string(bytes, i, j)} }

Function index_of

Computes the index of the first occurrence of a string. Returns length(s) if no occurrence found.

public fun index_of(s: &string::String, r: &string::String): u64


public fun index_of(s: &String, r: &String): u64 { internal_index_of(&s.bytes, &r.bytes) }

Function internal_check_utf8

fun internal_check_utf8(v: &vector<u8>): bool


native fun internal_check_utf8(v: &vector<u8>): bool;

Function internal_is_char_boundary

fun internal_is_char_boundary(v: &vector<u8>, i: u64): bool


native fun internal_is_char_boundary(v: &vector<u8>, i: u64): bool;

Function internal_sub_string

fun internal_sub_string(v: &vector<u8>, i: u64, j: u64): vector<u8>


native fun internal_sub_string(v: &vector<u8>, i: u64, j: u64): vector<u8>;

Function internal_index_of

fun internal_index_of(v: &vector<u8>, r: &vector<u8>): u64


native fun internal_index_of(v: &vector<u8>, r: &vector<u8>): u64;