Module 0x3::voting_power
- Struct
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
use 0x1::vector;
use 0x2::math;
use 0x3::validator;
Struct VotingPowerInfo
Deprecated. Use VotingPowerInfoV2 instead.
struct VotingPowerInfo has drop
validator_index: u64
voting_power: u64
Struct VotingPowerInfoV2
struct VotingPowerInfoV2 has drop
validator_index: u64
voting_power: u64
stake: u64
const EInvalidVotingPower: u64 = 4;
const ERelativePowerMismatch: u64 = 2;
const ETotalPowerMismatch: u64 = 1;
const EVotingPowerOverThreshold: u64 = 3;
const MAX_VOTING_POWER: u64 = 1000;
Quorum threshold for our fixed voting power--any message signed by this much voting power can be trusted up to BFT assumptions
const QUORUM_THRESHOLD: u64 = 6667;
Set total_voting_power as 10_000 by convention. Individual voting powers can be interpreted as easily understandable basis points (e.g., voting_power: 100 = 1%, voting_power: 1 = 0.01%) rather than opaque quantities whose meaning changes from epoch to epoch as the total amount staked shifts. Fixing the total voting power allows clients to hardcode the quorum threshold and total_voting power rather than recomputing these.
const TOTAL_VOTING_POWER: u64 = 10000;
Function set_voting_power
Set the voting power of all validators.
Each validator's voting power is initialized using their stake. We then attempt to cap their voting power
is not a feasible cap, we pick the lowest possible cap.
public(friend) fun set_voting_power(validators: &mut vector<validator::Validator>)
public(package) fun set_voting_power(validators: &mut vector<Validator>) {
// If threshold_pct is too small, it's possible that even when all validators reach the threshold we still don't
// have 100%. So we bound the threshold_pct to be always enough to find a solution.
let threshold = math::min(
math::max(MAX_VOTING_POWER, divide_and_round_up(TOTAL_VOTING_POWER, validators.length())),
let (mut info_list, remaining_power) = init_voting_power_info(validators, threshold);
adjust_voting_power(&mut info_list, threshold, remaining_power);
update_voting_power(validators, info_list);
Function init_voting_power_info
Create the initial voting power of each validator, set using their stake, but capped using threshold. We also perform insertion sort while creating the voting power list, by maintaining the list in descending order using voting power. Anything beyond the threshold is added to the remaining_power, which is also returned.
fun init_voting_power_info(validators: &vector<validator::Validator>, threshold: u64): (vector<voting_power::VotingPowerInfoV2>, u64)
fun init_voting_power_info(
validators: &vector<Validator>,
threshold: u64,
): (vector<VotingPowerInfoV2>, u64) {
let total_stake = total_stake(validators);
let mut i = 0;
let len = validators.length();
let mut total_power = 0;
let mut result = vector[];
while (i < len) {
let validator = &validators[i];
let stake = validator.total_stake();
let adjusted_stake = stake as u128 * (TOTAL_VOTING_POWER as u128) / (total_stake as u128);
let voting_power = math::min(adjusted_stake as u64, threshold);
let info = VotingPowerInfoV2 {
validator_index: i,
insert(&mut result, info);
total_power = total_power + voting_power;
i = i + 1;
(result, TOTAL_VOTING_POWER - total_power)
Function total_stake
Sum up the total stake of all validators.
fun total_stake(validators: &vector<validator::Validator>): u64
fun total_stake(validators: &vector<Validator>): u64 {
let mut i = 0;
let len = validators.length();
let mut total_stake =0 ;
while (i < len) {
total_stake = total_stake + validators[i].total_stake();
i = i + 1;
Function insert
Insert new_info
to info_list
as part of insertion sort, such that info_list
is always sorted
using stake, in descending order.
fun insert(info_list: &mut vector<voting_power::VotingPowerInfoV2>, new_info: voting_power::VotingPowerInfoV2)
fun insert(info_list: &mut vector<VotingPowerInfoV2>, new_info: VotingPowerInfoV2) {
let mut i = 0;
let len = info_list.length();
while (i < len && info_list[i].stake > new_info.stake) {
i = i + 1;
info_list.insert(new_info, i);
Function adjust_voting_power
Distribute remaining_power to validators that are not capped at threshold.
fun adjust_voting_power(info_list: &mut vector<voting_power::VotingPowerInfoV2>, threshold: u64, remaining_power: u64)
fun adjust_voting_power(info_list: &mut vector<VotingPowerInfoV2>, threshold: u64, mut remaining_power: u64) {
let mut i = 0;
let len = info_list.length();
while (i < len && remaining_power > 0) {
let v = &mut info_list[i];
// planned is the amount of extra power we want to distribute to this validator.
let planned = divide_and_round_up(remaining_power, len - i);
// target is the targeting power this validator will reach, capped by threshold.
let target = math::min(threshold, v.voting_power + planned);
// actual is the actual amount of power we will be distributing to this validator.
let actual = math::min(remaining_power, target - v.voting_power);
v.voting_power = v.voting_power + actual;
assert!(v.voting_power <= threshold, EVotingPowerOverThreshold);
remaining_power = remaining_power - actual;
i = i + 1;
assert!(remaining_power == 0, ETotalPowerMismatch);
Function update_voting_power
Update validators with the decided voting power.
fun update_voting_power(validators: &mut vector<validator::Validator>, info_list: vector<voting_power::VotingPowerInfoV2>)
fun update_voting_power(validators: &mut vector<Validator>, mut info_list: vector<VotingPowerInfoV2>) {
while (!info_list.is_empty()) {
let VotingPowerInfoV2 {
stake: _,
} = info_list.pop_back();
let v = &mut validators[validator_index];
Function check_invariants
Check a few invariants that must hold after setting the voting power.
fun check_invariants(v: &vector<validator::Validator>)
fun check_invariants(v: &vector<Validator>) {
// First check that the total voting power must be TOTAL_VOTING_POWER.
let mut i = 0;
let len = v.length();
let mut total = 0;
while (i < len) {
let voting_power = v[i].voting_power();
assert!(voting_power > 0, EInvalidVotingPower);
total = total + voting_power;
i = i + 1;
assert!(total == TOTAL_VOTING_POWER, ETotalPowerMismatch);
// Second check that if validator A's stake is larger than B's stake, A's voting power must be no less
// than B's voting power; similarly, if A's stake is less than B's stake, A's voting power must be no larger
// than B's voting power.
let mut a = 0;
while (a < len) {
let mut b = a + 1;
while (b < len) {
let validator_a = &v[a];
let validator_b = &v[b];
let stake_a = validator_a.total_stake();
let stake_b = validator_b.total_stake();
let power_a = validator_a.voting_power();
let power_b = validator_b.voting_power();
if (stake_a > stake_b) {
assert!(power_a >= power_b, ERelativePowerMismatch);
if (stake_a < stake_b) {
assert!(power_a <= power_b, ERelativePowerMismatch);
b = b + 1;
a = a + 1;
Function total_voting_power
Return the (constant) total voting power
public fun total_voting_power(): u64
public fun total_voting_power(): u64 {
Function quorum_threshold
Return the (constant) quorum threshold
public fun quorum_threshold(): u64
public fun quorum_threshold(): u64 {