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Validator Tools


This document is focused on using Validator Tool.

Caveat: this tool only supports Pending Validators and Active Validators at the moment.


  1. Make sure you have completed all the prerequisites.

  2. Build the iota binary, which you will need for the genesis ceremony. This step can be done on any machine you like. It does not have to be done on the machine on which you will run the validator.

    1. Clone the git repo:

      git clone && cd iota
    2. Check out the commit we will be using for the testnet:

      git checkout testnet
    3. Build iota binary

      cargo build --bin iota
    4. Remember the path to your binary:

      export IOTA_BINARY="$(pwd)/target/debug/iota"
  3. Run the following command to set up your Iota account and CLI environment.

    1. If this is the first time running this program, it will ask you to provide a Iota Fullnode Server URL and a meaningful environment alias. It will also generate a random key pair in iota.keystore and a config client.yaml. Swap in your validator account key if you already have one.

    2. If you already set it up, simply make sure a. rpc is correct in client.yaml. b. active_address is correct in client.yaml. b. iota.keystore contains your account key pair.

    If at this point you can't find where client.yaml or iota.keystore is or have other questions, read Iota Client CLI tutorial.

  1. To test you are connected to the network and configured your config correctly, run the following command to display your validator info.
$IOTA_BINARY validator display-metadata

Using Validator Tool

$IOTA_BINARY validator --help

Display Validator Metadata

$IOTA_BINARY validator display-metadata


$IOTA_BINARY validator display-metadata <validator-address>

to print another validator's information.

Update Validator Metadata

Run the following to see how to update validator metadata. Read description carefully about when the change will take effect.

$IOTA_BINARY validator update-metadata --help

You can update the following on-chain metadata:

  1. name
  2. description
  3. image URL
  4. project URL
  5. network address
  6. p2p address
  7. primary address
  8. worker address
  9. protocol public key
  10. network public key
  11. worker public key

Notably, only the first 4 metadata listed above take effect immediately.

If you change any metadata from points 5 to 11, they will be changed only after the next epoch - for these, you'll want to restart the validator program immediately after the next epoch, with the new key files and/or updated validator.yaml config. Particularly, make sure the new address is not behind a firewall.

Run the following to see how to update each metadata.

$IOTA_BINARY validator update-metadata --help

Operation Cap

Operation Cap allows a validator to authorizer another account to perform certain actions on behalf of this validator. Read about Operation Cap here.

The Operation Cap holder (either the valdiator itself or the delegatee) updates its Gas Price and reports validator peers with the Operation Cap.

Update Gas Price

To update Gas Price, run

$IOTA_BINARY validator update-gas-price <gas-price>

if the account itself is a validator and holds the Operation Cap. Or

$IOTA_BINARY validator update-gas-price --operation-cap-id <operation-cap-id> <gas-price>

if the account is a delegatee.

Report Validators

To report validators peers, run

$IOTA_BINARY validator report-validator <reportee-address>

Add --undo-report false if it intents to undo an existing report.

Similarly, if the account is a delegatee, add --operation-cap-id <operation-cap-id> option to the command.

if the account itself is a validator and holds the Operation Cap. Or

$IOTA_BINARY validator update-gas-price --operation-cap-id <operation-cap-id> <gas-price>

if the account is a delegatee.

Become a Validator / Join Committee

To become a validator candidate, first run

$IOTA_BINARY validator make-validator-info <name> <description> <image-url> <project-url> <host-name> <gas_price>

This will generate a file and key pair files. The output of this command includes:

  1. Four key pair files (Read more here). ==Set their permissions with the minimal visibility (chmod 600, for example) and store them securely==. They are needed when running the validator node as covered below. a. If you follow this guide thoroughly, this key pair is actually copied from your iota.keystore file.
  2. file that contains your validator info. Double check all information is correct.

Then run

$IOTA_BINARY validator become-candidate {path-to}

to submit an on-chain transaction to become a validator candidate. The parameter is the file path to the generated in the previous step. Make sure the transaction succeeded (printed in the output).

At this point you are validator candidate and can start to accept self staking and delegated staking.

If you haven't, start a fullnode now to catch up with the network. When you officially join the committee but is not fully up-to-date, you cannot make meaningful contribution to the network and may be subject to peer reporting hence face the risk of reduced staking rewards for you and your delegators.

Once you collect enough staking amount, run

$IOTA_BINARY validator join-committee

to become a pending validator. A pending validator will become active and join the committee starting from next epoch.

Leave Committee

To leave committee, run

$IOTA_BINARY validator leave-committee

Then you will be removed from committee starting from next epoch.

Generate the payload to create PoP

Serialize the payload that is used to generate Proof of Possession. This is allows the signer to take the payload offline for an Authority protocol BLS keypair to sign.

$IOTA_BINARY validator serialize-payload-pop --account-address $ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --protocol-public-key $BLS_PUBKEY
Serialized payload: $PAYLOAD_TO_SIGN