Get Randomness on L2
ISC introduces a feature not found on many other smart contract protocols: randomness.
In the ISC protocol, for each state update, each validator proposes a batch of smart contract requests that they would like to process next. They commit to their proposals with a signature, after which a common subset of requests is found, and a combined signature is produced.
This combined signature is unpredictable, and not only serves as protection against MEV by pseudo-randomly ordering requests, but also provides a source of verifiable entropy for randomness on L2.
This guide will show you how you can use this entropy to generate random values in your contracts.
While entropy is random for each smart contract request, entropy is constant within a request. This means multiple calls to get entropy within the same request will return the same value.
When you want to generate multiple random values within a single request, you need to take into account that entropy is constant within a request. In this contract we use an increasing nonce in addition to the entropy, to make sure we are generating unique values:
uint256 private _nonce;
function getNonce() internal returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(_nonce++);
Generating Integers
To then generate a random integer, you can take the entropy and a unique nonce and hash them together:
bytes32 entropy = ISC.sandbox.getEntropy();
bytes32 nonce = getNonce();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(entropy, nonce));
And then cast the digest to an integer:
uint256 value = uint256(digest);
Generating bytes
Similarly to generating a random integer, you can generate any sequence of random bytes by taking the entropy and a unique nonce and hash them together:
bytes32 entropy = ISC.sandbox.getEntropy();
bytes32 nonce = getNonce();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(entropy, nonce));
And then repeatedly hash the digest and copy it in a sequence of bytes until you reach the required length.
bytes memory value = new bytes(length);
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i += 32) {
digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(digest));
for (uint j = 0; j < 32 && i + j < length; j++) {
value[i + j] = digest[j];
Full Example Code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@iota/iscmagic/ISC.sol";
contract Random {
event Int(uint256);
event Bytes(bytes);
uint256 private _nonce;
function getNonce() internal returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(_nonce++);
function getInt() public returns (uint256) {
bytes32 entropy = ISC.sandbox.getEntropy();
bytes32 nonce = getNonce();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(entropy, nonce));
uint256 value = uint256(digest);
emit Int(value);
return value;
function getBytes(uint length) public returns (bytes memory) {
bytes32 entropy = ISC.sandbox.getEntropy();
bytes32 nonce = getNonce();
bytes32 digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(entropy, nonce));
bytes memory value = new bytes(length);
for (uint i = 0; i < length; i += 32) {
digest = keccak256(bytes.concat(digest));
for (uint j = 0; j < 32 && i + j < length; j++) {
value[i + j] = digest[j];
emit Bytes(value);
return value;