Immutable Objects
In IOTA, objects can be either mutable or immutable. Immutable objects are unique in that they cannot be altered, transferred, or deleted after they are created. Once an object is made immutable, it has no owner, making it accessible to anyone on the network.
Creating an Immutable Object
Using public_freeze_object
To make an object immutable,
use the transfer::public_freeze_object
public native fun public_freeze_object<T: key>(obj: T);
This function irreversibly freezes the specified object, rendering it immutable. Once frozen, the object can no longer be mutated. You should only freeze an object when you are sure it no longer requires any modifications.
For example,
the color_object example module includes a test
that creates a new ColorObject
then calls public_freeze_object
to make it immutable:
ts::next_tx(&mut ts, alice);
// Create a new ColorObject
let c = new(255, 0, 255, ts::ctx(&mut ts));
// Make it immutable.
In this test, you must own the ColorObject
to freeze it.
Once frozen, the object is no longer owned by anyone and can never be altered.
Using public_freeze_object
The public_freeze_object
function requires the object
to be passed by value.
This ensures that after the function is called, no one can mutate the object,
which would contradict its immutable status.
Alternatively, you can create an immutable object directly upon its creation using the transfer::public_freeze_object
public fun create_immutable(red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let color_object = new(red, green, blue, ctx);
This function creates a ColorObject
and immediately makes it immutable before it is owned by anyone.
Using Immutable Objects
Once an object is made immutable, anyone can use it in IOTA Move calls, but only as a read-only reference (&T
Because immutable objects cannot be mutated, they do not pose any risk of data races,
even if multiple transactions use the same immutable object simultaneously.
This characteristic means that immutable objects do not require sequencing through consensus,
further simplifying their use in transactions.
For example, consider a function that copies the value from one object to another:
public fun copy_into(from: &ColorObject, into: &mut ColorObject);
In this function, anyone can pass an immutable object as the from
but not as the into
argument because into
requires a mutable reference.
Testing Immutable Objects
In unit tests,
you can interact with immutable objects using test_scenario::take_immutable<T>
to retrieve an immutable object from global storage,
and test_scenario::return_immutable
to return it.
The test_scenario::take_immutable<T>
function is necessary because immutable objects can only be accessed through read-only references.
The test_scenario
runtime tracks the usage of this immutable object,
and if the object is not returned before the next transaction begins, the test will halt.
Here’s how it works in a test:
let sender1 = @0x1;
let mut scenario_val = test_scenario::begin(sender1);
let scenario = &mut scenario_val;
let ctx = test_scenario::ctx(scenario);
color_object::create_immutable(255, 0, 255, ctx);
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, sender1);
// has_most_recent_for_sender returns false for immutable objects.
assert!(!test_scenario::has_most_recent_for_sender<ColorObject>(scenario), 0);
In this test,
the has_most_recent_for_sender<ColorObject>
function does not return true
because the object is no longer owned.
To access this object:
// Any sender can work.
let sender2 = @0x2;
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, sender2);
let object = test_scenario::take_immutable<ColorObject>(scenario);
let (red, green, blue) = color_object::get_color(object);
assert!(red == 255 && green == 0 && blue == 255, 0);
This test demonstrates that any sender can access an immutable object using take_immutable
The object is then returned to global storage with return_immutable
To verify that the object is truly immutable, you can attempt to modify it:
public fun update(
object: &mut ColorObject,
red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8,
) { = red; = green; = blue;
This function will fail if the ColorObject
is immutable, confirming its status.
On-Chain Interaction Example
Viewing Owned Objects
First, identify the objects you own. Run the following commands to set your active address and view the objects associated with it:
export ADDR=`iota client active-address`
iota client objects $ADDR
Publishing the ColorObject
To interact with objects, you need to publish the ColorObject
code on-chain.
Use the following command, replacing <GAS-AMOUNT>
with your gas budget:
iota client publish $ROOT/examples/move/color_object --gas-budget <GAS-AMOUNT>
Creating a New ColorObject
Set the package object ID to the $PACKAGE
environment variable.
Then, create a new ColorObject
by executing the following command:
iota client call --gas-budget <GAS-AMOUNT> --package $PACKAGE --module "color_object" --function "create" --args 0 255 0
After creation, set the newly created object ID to $OBJECT
Viewing Objects in the Current Active Address
To confirm the creation of your ColorObject
, list the objects in the current active address:
iota client objects $ADDR
You should see an object with the ID stored in $OBJECT
Freezing an Object
To make the object immutable, use the following command:
iota client call --gas-budget <GAS-AMOUNT> --package $PACKAGE --module "color_object" --function "freeze_object" --args \"$OBJECT\"
Verifying Object Immutability
After freezing the object, it will no longer appear in your owned objects list. Verify this by listing your objects again:
iota client objects $ADDR
The object ID $OBJECT
should no longer be listed.
To confirm its immutability, query the object information:
iota client object $OBJECT
The response should include:
Owner: Immutable
Attempting to Mutate an Immutable Object
Finally, if you attempt to modify the immutable object, the CLI will prevent the mutation. Use the following command as an example:
iota client call --gas-budget <GAS-AMOUNT> --package $PACKAGE --module "color_object" --function "update" --args \"$OBJECT\" 0 0 0
The response will indicate that you cannot pass an immutable object to a mutable argument.