Calling a View
Calling smart contract view functions with Solo.
Solo Testing Tool for ISC.
View All TagsCalling smart contract view functions with Solo.
Deploying Wasm smart contracts with Solo.
What happens when a smart contract invocation fails?
Use the SoloContext to create full-blown tests for the dividend example smart contract.
Example of a _Solo_ test. It deploys a new chain and invokes some view calls.
Invoking smart contracts with on-ledger and off-ledger requests with Solo.
You can post a time-locked request by using the Delay() method. You can mint NFTs by using the MintNFT() method.
Testing of smart contracts happens in the Solo testing environment. This enables synchronous, deterministic testing of smart contract functionality without the overhead of having to start nodes, set up a committee, and send transactions over the _Tangle_.
Solo is a testing framework that allows developers to validate real smart contracts and entire inter-chain protocols.
How to interact with the L1 ledger in Solo.
Smart contracts can exchange assets between themselves on the same chain and between different chains, as well as with addresses on the L1 ledger.