Add Function Descriptors
The schema tool provides us with an easy way to get access to smart contract functions through function descriptors, which allow you to initiate the function by calling it synchronously, or posting a request to run it asynchronously.
Call Functions
Explore how synchronous function calls work between smart contracts, highlighting the role of function descriptors in parameter and token passage, and understanding the ISC host's role in this procedure.
Data Access Proxies
As there is no way for the Wasm code to access any memory outside its own memory space, the WasmLib interface provides a number of proxies to make accessing data within the ISC sandbox as seamless as possible.
Define Function Parameters
Learn how to define function parameters using the 'params' subsection, and how the Schema Tool facilitates this process.
Define Function Results
Understand how to outline function results using the 'results' subsection and how the Schema Tool aids in this process.
Define Functions
The code generated for Funcs will be able to inspect and modify the smart contract state, whereas the code generated for Views will only be able to inspect the state.
Define the State
The smart contract state storage on the host consists of a single key/value map, as long as you access the data in the same way that you used to store it, you will always get valid data back.
Initialize a Smart Contract
The init function will automatically be called immediately after the first time the contract has been deployed to the VM. This is a one-time initialization call, meant to be performed by the contract deployment mechanism.
Limit Access
This article explains how to define access controls for functions using the optional 'access' subsection in the schema definition file.
Post Asynchronous Requests
Asynchronous function calls between smart contracts are posted as requests on the Tangle. They allow you to invoke any smart contract function that is not a View on any smart contract chain.
The spec of schema tool and how to develop schema tool.
Structured Data Types
You can use structs directly as a type in state storage definitions and the schema tool will automatically generate the proxy code to access it properly.
Thunk Functions
Learn about thunk functions and how the Schema Tool uses them to facilitate smart contract function calls.
Transfer Tokens
Explore methods in the Call Context that facilitate the handling and transfer of asset balances in smart contracts using the `dividend` example.
Trigger Events
This article outlines how to trigger events in smart contracts utilizing ISC sandbox's ScFuncContext and the Schema Tool for structured events.
Type Definitions
You can add a typedefs section to the schema definition file, where you can define a single type name for a container type. This way you can easily create containers that contain container types.
Use the Schema Tool
The `schema` tool will assist in creating a smart contract as unobtrusively as possible.
Use View-Only Functions
Explore the characteristics and constraints of view-only functions in smart contracts, illustrated through a 'getFactor' function example.
YAML Schema Definition: Level 1 Attributes
the syntax of a schema definition file will be described here.