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IOTA Owned Object Pools Quick Start


IOTA Owned Object Pools (IOTAOOP) is a beta library. Enhancements and changes are likely during development.

IOTAOOP is a TypeScript library that provides a set of tools for managing multiple concurrent transactions on the IOTA network to help avoid object equivocation and locking.


npm i iotaoop


At a high level, this is how you implement the library:

// Initialize the ExecutorServiceHandler.
const eshandler = await ExecutorServiceHandler.initialize(adminKeypair, iotaClient);

/// And then for each incoming request...
/// ...get the incoming transactionBlock
const myTransactionBlock;

/// and send it for execution
const promise = eshandler.execute(myTransactionBlock, iotaClient, splitStrategy);

See End-to-End Examples for sample code you can run.